Motivating Articles

If you have a juvenile delinquent child whose path seems to be headed the wrong direction, remind them that they are risk takers, but also point out that they are loving, courageous people who can use their powers for the greater good and if you're lucky, they will.


If you have a juvenile delinquent child whose path seems to be headed the wrong direction, remind them that they are risk takers, but also point out that they are loving, courageous people who can use their powers for the greater good and if you're lucky, they will. More...

Parenting | Blog

365 Strangers - f you were handed a microphone and could share one message that would be heard by the whole world, what would it be?

365 Strangers

If you were handed a microphone and could share one message that would be heard by the whole world, what would it be? I was struck by how difficult I found it to answer the questions given what I do for a living, but I was equally struck by how quickly and easily Nina was able to answer. Here's an excerpt...... More...

Passion | Purpose | Personal Stories

Unfortunately, with many men in his age group this was the case. I found that most of the men I saw ranging in age from late 50's to mid 60's (I never saw anyone older) had this same attitude towards sex. They acted like if they didn't spring into aggressive, grabby action, nothing would happen in the bedroom. They mistook aggression for passion.

Bad Sex

Unfortunately, with many men in his age group this was the case. I found that most of the men I saw ranging in age from late 50's to mid 60's (I never saw anyone older) had this same attitude towards sex. They acted like if they didn't spring into aggressive, grabby action, nothing would happen in the bedroom. They mistook aggression for passion. More...

Relationships | Personal Stories

I painted. I played. I moved through my fear and had an intimate experience with the perfectionist in me

Soul Play for the Day

And I had it in my mind that I was a business woman with a creative splash but I would never have called myself an artist. People who paint and write poems and sculpt cool shit are artists. More...

Spirituality | Personal Stories

The Truth About Heartbreak

The Truth About Heartbreak

The heartbreaks won’t ever stop coming as far as I know and that is OK with me. It’s OK because it means that I am still putting myself out there in the world offering my best self. The mantra I use daily, I’ve been doing it so long now it’s almost unconscious, is this: “Here’s me on a silver platter, take it or leave it.” More...

Relationships | Action Resources

Quitting or winning, you choose.

Know Winning

When you quit you guarantee that you lose. Value yourself enough to let yourself win. More...

Passion | Purpose | Personal Stories

Surprising Steps to More Prosperity - Free Yourself of Physical Clutter—All That Stuff

Surprising Steps to More Prosperity

The more you collect any kind of clutter, the more possibility of being stuck, and less opportunity for the energy of prosperity to appear in your life. More...

Financial | Action Resources

Lion chasers realize that impossible odds can become improbably victories.

How to Raise a Lion Chaser

Rachel will be a huge success in sport and life because she sees opportunity instead of risk. She takes failure and success in stride. She marches to her own beat instead of trying to please everyone else. And whenever others take a step back because they see problems, failure and fear, she steps forward and says “I’ll take it.” More...

Parenting | Action Resources

The Power of the Journal

The Power of the Journal

In the last two weeks, two of our six children have left home. Our middle son, who turns 21 this week, transferred to a University a few hours drive from where we live. We have been preparing for his impending launch for quite awhile, as he gained experience working and studying at the local community college. It was a tearful, but deeply satisfying send off. For now, I still have his journals. I can continue to add to them, and keep them safe until a later date when he chooses to revisit childhood. More...

Parenting | Personal Stories

You Always Have a Choice

You Always Have a Choice

Surrender. By surrendering, you are actually taking the lead. You are in control. More...

Relationships | Action Resources